Saturday, September 14, 2013

Just Some Lines Autumn Challenge reminder

Hello Lovelies, today I have for you a reminder post for the JSL autumn challenge going on this month!! Keep checking back because there will be some freebie images for you to pick up at JSL!!

My reminder project was made using the Autumn Bear image.

Here is what I made with that cutie!!

I colored my image with my spectrum noir markers.
Fur: TN8, TN7, and EB5
Muff: GB5, EB2, and EB1
Paws/Ears: PP3 and FS6
Scraf: CR10,OR1, ans GB5
Jacket: IG8, IG6, and IG4
Leaves: CG1, CG3, DG4, DG2, OR1, CR10, GB5, CT4, and CT3
Background: BT1 and BT2

Hope you enjoy and join our challenge this month!!!