LOL I know, it's been a while... Just a busy year and summer so far... lots of changes coming... which I will be posting about as they happen...
So what have I been up to lately... oh you know a little of this a little of that, a lot of freaking out... So as most of you know, or not, we retired from the Navy almost 4 years ago and got our "out in the real world stop moving all the time settle down job" yeah that didn't last as long as we wanted it to... The company my husband worked for has decided to shut down the department he was working he and his counterparts are the only ones left and as of the end of august we won't even be there... sad I know... talk about freaked out... yeah I have been. So the job hunt started again and now we have a new job, YAY WONDERFUL WE WONT STARVE OR HAVE TO GO NAKED, only problem with that is it is in IDAHO, Idaho Falls to be exact!!! Well SHIT here comes another move... BUT wait........ Only the husband is leaving at the end of August... WHAT????? I thought being a married single mother was done with... nope gotz to do it for another while... Which is ok because YAY JOB!!!
So school starts in 2 days and I really don't want to move the boy kidling during the school year so he and I are staying here to finish the school year and dude is going to go to Idaho by himself for a while and find us a place to live and all that good CRAP that we have to think about now... but it will all be good in the long run, who knows my son may start talking to us again before he goes off to college.... just kidding, he's not happy but he knows it has to be done and I can handle not happy!!! I am not happy either cause it takes me further away from the bestie and I no likey that at all!!!!!!
So you would think that would be all right... that's a big negatory good buddy... the girl kidling has decided that she wants to get married in December... yes this december... go figure!!! So she and I will be planning a wedding now!!! YAY for that.. I really am happy that she is happy and getting married to a really great guy it's just REALLY right now... At least I have something to take my mind off of everything else....
So that's whats been going on here.... hope your life has been good!!!!!!
I'm really glad I knew all of this before I read your blog....because holy crow, I may have just passed out! Love you, Babe.
That is definitely a lot to deal with at once. I hope everything works out smoothly for you. Big hugs!
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